Secret Junior Acrobat Vol 4
Things got worse. Harry became addicted to LSD, and Peter, along with Gwen and Mary Jane, took care of him. This familial stress caused Norman Osborn's Green Goblin persona to return, and he once again battled Spider-Man. During the battle, Norman was exposed to his son's declining condition in the hospital. This severed the control of the Green Goblin persona over Norman and caused Norman to have amnesia again.[167] With his secret identity making his life impossible, Peter tried to give up being Spider-Man and created a cure for his powers that instead made him grow four extra arms.[168] With the help of Curt Connors he found a cure, fighting Morbius the Living Vampire and Connors' alter-ego the Lizard in the process.[169]
Peter had promised Mary Jane to give up his Spider-Man identity, but he would continually sneak out at night as Spider-Man. Their marriage began to strain, in part because of Mary Jane's new modeling career and in part because she discovered Peter's secret. Before they could reconcile, however, Mary Jane was supposedly killed when her airplane exploded.[219] For a long time, Peter refused to believe her dead, but eventually grew to accept it. Peter discovered Mary Jane was alive, captured by a villain who had been stalking her prior to her airplane flight.[220] After a brief reconciliation, Mary Jane requested to leave Peter once more, saying that she needed time to adjust by herself.[221] but Peter and Mary Jane later reunited.
Peter soon encountered villains linked to him through his new-found nature as a Spider-Totem. The first of them was Morlun, who almost beat Spider-Man to death, and seemingly met his end after Peter injected himself with a lethal dose of radiation, which hurt Morlun whenever they made contact and weakened him enough for his servant Dex to take the opportunity and shoot him down. Following the exhausting encounter with Morlun, Peter let his guard down, allowing Aunt May to discover his secret identity when she entered his apartment and found him sleeping with his tattered costume on the floor.[223] After May came to grips with the fact her nephew was Spider-Man, their relationship grew stronger than ever.[224] Mary Jane Watson also returned to Peter's life, and both lovers reunited for good.[221]
Realizing he could not afford for his identity to be public knowledge, Peter agreed to aid the Scarlet Spiders in return for their help in re-establishing his secret identity. Telling the media that Parker was part of their team but was discharged and drawing confusion as to if Parker is the first and only Spider-Man.[250] Towards the end of his search, Peter even had an encounter with the One-Above-All, who asked Peter to let his Aunt go, saying death it's a natural part of life.[251]
At one point, Eddie Brock was found in Aunt May's room; where he attempted to commit suicide by jumping out of the window. The inter-dimensional Demon Mephisto offered to save Aunt May in exchange for Peter and MJ's love. As part of Mephisto's deal, everyone would forget Peter's identity as Spider-Man. Because of this decision, the daughter they would have had never existed.[252] Then Mephisto re-arranged history to make it so that Peter unwittingly would not show up to his wedding day but stayed with Mary Jane as a long-time couple. But this re-arrangement also caused it to be Doctor Strange who erased people's memories about Parker's secret identity (except Mary Jane and some others) and protected Peter with a \"psychic blindspot,\" preventing people from being able to consciously deduce that Peter Parker and Spider-Man were the same people unless anyone actually saw him take his mask off.
He dissolved S.H.I.E.L.D. and created H.A.M.M.E.R. and his personal \"Avengers,\" composed mainly of super-criminals who had served in the Thunderbolts posing as heroes. Since Osborn had transformed Venom into a more Spider-Man like look to join his Dark Avengers,[258] Peter had to reveal his secret identity to the New Avengers, in order to implicitly earn the team's trust. Upon doing so, Jessica Jones fled the place, as she had gone to high school with Peter and had a crush on him at the time.[259]
The Jackal's plan eventually fell apart following the triggering of cellular decay in the clones created by New U, which led to the release of the Carrion Virus worldwide.[320] The crisis was adverted when Spider-Man had his Webware transmit an audio frequency in a global scale which halted the cellular degeneration but not before most of the clones died.[321] The Jackal, is a clone himself, was left for dead, though he secretly escaped and returned to the mantle of the Scarlet Spider.[322][323] Afterward, Peter teamed-up again with Teresa Durand, a CIA agent with whom Peter had already joined forces in a mission at least a year ago during which she was seemingly brainwashed by the Kingpin and Mentallo to believe she was Peter's long-lost sister.[324] Teresa sought Peter's help when on the run from a government organization called the Gray Blade.[325]
Not long after Peter had decided to reveal his secret identity to Jameson,[331] Jonah was kidnapped by Norman Osborn, and accidentally let it slip that Peter was Spider-Man.[332] In addition to having regained his powers, Osborn had bonded with the Carnage Symbiote, giving birth to the Red Goblin.[333] Peter failed to take down Osborn despite the help from his allies,[334] and was overpowered in battle even after Eddie Brock had lent him his symbiote. Peter only managed to defeat Osborn in a fight after tricking him into rejecting the symbiote, having claimed that any credit for his defeat would go to the Carnage symbiote and not Osborn himself. Unfortunately, the process of defeating Osborn cost the life of Spider-Man's biggest fan, Flash Thompson, who had recently become the super hero Agent Anti-Venom.[335]
Peter's public reputation was further damaged after being accused of plagiarizing his doctoral dissertation from Octavius. Unable to defend himself without exposing his secret identity, Peter was stripped of his credentials, and was fired from the Daily Bugle as well.[336] Receiving a re-enrollment recommendation by Dr. Connors at Empire State University to earn his college degree, Peter also started sharing an apartment with Randy Robertson again. They were joined by a third roommate in the form of Frederick Myers, the super villain Boomerang,[337] who struck up a tenuous friendship with Peter.[338][339] As these events unfolded, Peter was unaware of becoming the target of fixation of a demonic entity dubbed \"Kindred,\"[125] consumed by the belief that Peter had to repent for his sins and the misery he brought on his loved ones. Although Peter had rekindled his relationship with Mary Jane, Kindred would later use Mysterio to give her an acting opportunity out west for several months,[340] while appearing in nebulous nightmares to psychologically torture Peter.[341][342]
For a brief time, Spider-Man accepted a work offer,[353] at Jameson's news outlet, TNM, gaining a new suit that enhanced his abilities and broadcasted his crime-fighting activities. With it, Spider-Man and Boomerang finished a long-running quest to reassemble the Lifeline Tablet fragments.[339] However, Myers eventually revealed his friendship with Peter to have been a long con to get Spider-Man's help, and delivered the Tablet to Mayor Wilson Fisk to resurrect his son, the Rose.[103] Shortly afterward, Kindred orchestrated Spider-Man's kidnapping[354] to force him into a battle royale against various super villain teams vying to kill him. But Boomerang sacrificed himself to save Spider-Man from Morlun's grasp, and the conflict ended with the villains all incapacitated by Doctor Octopus in a bid to free himself from Kindred's influence.[355][356] During his subsequent final confrontation against Kindred, Peter learned the villain was a shared mantle between Sarah and Gabriel Stacy, both secretly twisted into pawns of Mephisto, and also revealed as hybrid clones of Gwen and Norman and not their actual offspring. In truth, the alleged affair was a fabrication orchestrated by an A.I. copy of Harry's evil mind from his Green Goblin days. The real Harry was revealed to be a clone of the late real Harry Osborn, who came and assisted Peter before he died at Kindred's hands. After the Kindred twins proved unsuccessful in killing Spider-Man, Mephisto killed them from behind the scenes, thus freeing Peter from their haunting.[126]
When the Beyond Corporation bought the Spider-Man trademark and recruited Ben Reilly to become their corporate-sponsored Spider-Man, Peter was ill-disposed to him taking up the mantle.[127] He was left with no choice after Beyond secretly orchestrated for an encounter with the U-Foes to leave with Peter hospitalized with acute radiation poisoning.[127] Peter was in a coma for weeks until Doctor Octopus anonymously sent his doctors the research necessary to cure him for Aunt May's sake.[357] Afterward, the Black Cat and Captain America helped Peter as he slowly got back into shape.[358] While still recovering, Peter was propelled into action after Beyond unleashed a new villainess named the Queen Goblin.[48] By this time, Reilly had turned against Beyond for their sleazy machinations, namely their use of memory-erasing technology on Ben which robbed him of many of the formative memories he had inherited from Peter.[47] With his moral code compromised, Ben ultimately turned against Peter and attempted to use this technology on him to retrieve the memories from their original source. Peter managed to fend off his clone, but Ben was left for dead after Beyond destroyed a portion of their headquarters to cover their tracks.[128]
Returning to New York after six months, Peter was once more alienated from his heroic and personal connections, including Mary Jane. After stopping Tombstone's Gang from selling to The Rose, Spider-Man's interloping triggered a gang war.[359] So Tombstone misled Spider-Man into thinking he'd cause a massacre to force super hero intervention,[360][361] and Spider-Man realized too late the deception into subduing The Rose's operation for Tombstone.[362] With a pep-talk by Felicia, Spider-Man led Digger to find Tombstone's secret cache of goods, earning the latter's respect and calling things even.[363] On Peter's birthday, Doctor Octopus' Tentacles lead Spider-Man to free a captive Doctor Octopus and Sinister Six from the Ultra Living Brain. But his opposing the villains for wanting to destroy the synthezoid swayed the Brain and it sent away his arch foes. Before being shut-downed, the Ultra Living Brain shockingly wished \"Peter\" a happy birthday, and Black Cat kissed him as a belated birthday gift.[28] Offered backing by Oscorp, Peter refused after Norman orchestrated of a well-meaning but misguided encounter with Mary Jane, which distracted Spider-Man once Vulture attacked.[364] Spider-Man donned a new suit by Norman to defeat Vulture, and Peter accepted Norman's offer for a fresh start.[365] 153554b96e