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PC TuneUp is a tool that was designed by a well-known software application. I must say, I have never seen a software that can make your computer all potent and active as PC TuneUp has. Regularly, I use PC TuneUp for some features that I want. Some of the functions that I find significant in PC TuneUp are as follows:
• Can clean away junk files from your hard drive. A junk file is one that has nothing to do with the computer, so it's useless. However, this may be important for a very unhealthy condition of your system.
• Stores and displays your list. This is a very cool feature because it lets you know the folders that take up the biggest amount of space on your hard drive. It's a way to more easily clean away the space or let you identify other useless files. It can also be useful to the software when you's to create a new hard drive.
• Can maximize your computer's performance. This is another great feature that should be allowed to all computer users. When it maximizes the speed, your computer really works better and becomes more productive.
DEFORM is a powerful process simulation system designed to analyze the three-dimensional (3D) flow of complex metal forming processes. DEFORM is a practical and efficient tool to predict the material flow in industrial forming processes without the cost and delay of shop trials.
The flow simulations are used in a simple to use interface with material, workpiece and equipment mapping. The number of symbols is very small. In addition to producing flow patterns and output PNG images of the material flow, the symbols can be saved as vectors, dxf and text files.
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