How To [VERIFIED] Crack Microsoft Office 2007
How To Crack Microsoft Office 2007 --->
So now you should be set with the three files you need, all in one location: the MS Office file you want to crack the password for (crackme.xlsx), the decryption tool (msoffice-crypte.exe), and a text file full of password guesses (rockyou.txt).
Microsoft's encryption schemes up until Office 2003 were weak. With most cracking software, it was easy to crack the code. Since Office 2007, Microsoft has been using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), strong encryption that leaves no loophole for password cracking software.
These incidents served as a call to arms to government offices and personnel to better protect personally identifiable information (PII). These breaches and others like them are completely avoidable. Most importantly, employees should not load any personally identifiable information personal computers as of Oct. 1, 2007. Vigilant physical security enforcement and supervisory oversight are essential in protecting personal information. 153554b96e