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Our number one rule is to make sure that the majority of our users are able toenjoy the site without being scared off. Yes, 4chan is a stampede now, but it was also a stampede fiveyears ago. And it was a stampede ten years ago. Our users have grown along with oursite. Fewer and fewer of them are new every year. While new users can be a headache, in thesame vein, they still offer us a lot. If you have a new account somewhere off site, canyou recuse them from moderating? We will gladly return the favor in exchange forcurrent 4chan memberships. I will officially abandon my hope that our users will ever beable to leave the site. The best we can do for them is allow them to express themselves.Immediately.
The worst thing we can do is restrict their access to 4chan. For example, take the Japanesegames forum. Nine times out of ten, when I study that forum, the rule is to not allow newusers to comment. So, whatever is posted, the few people that do comment get blocked. Theproblem with this approach is that, since the rule exists, no one ever posts anything. Allthe posts are encyclopedia-type posts that will never be read.
I know some of you are thinking that I'm going to get crucified about this next point: we don'thave enough moderators. We've intentionally kept our user numbers thin, since wewant to give the most power to the users themselves. On the other hand, we're perfectlyhappy leaving half the work up to them. The number one rule that we follow is ouretiquette guide: "Don't let the real moderators get bored".
There's just too much work involved. At the tip of our tongue, I can say that we use thereport button as a convenient, pro-active tool to combat rule violators. However, onceagain, this is in direct opposition to the culture we have cultivated here on 4chan.We strive to provide our users the experience where they don't have to worry abouthitting on those that they disagree with. d2c66b5586