Atheros Ar5bbu12 Bluetooth Driver [2021]
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The Foxconn® atheros ar5bbu12 bluetooth USB\VID Code consists of a few parts that is relative to the hardware. The "USB\VID _" is the first part of the number that relates to the manufacturer, Foxconn® has the USB\VID code of USB\VID_0489. The individual part identification code for this device is the "&PID_" number, in this case it is Atheros AR5BBU12 Bluetooth PID_E02C which is a Atheros AR5BBU12 Bluetooth device. If the bluetooth device is not working or seems very slow then it is likely that the driver is not installed correctly, old or broken. Designed specifically to be used with the Foxconn® Atheros AR5BBU12 Bluetooth device, the list of free downloads below is the most up-to-date drivers that we hold on record for the Foxconn® Atheros AR5BBU12 Bluetooth device.
If you want to know more information about bluetooth peripheral device drivers download and update, please see Free Bluetooth Peripheral Device Driver Download, Install and Update on Windows Computer. 2b1af7f3a8